Meditation App
Waking up with Sam Harris (*best meditation app!)
When you feel disgusted (article)
Messages behind feelings (podcast)
Ted Talks/Youtube/Misc.
The Power of Vulnerability, Brown
How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over- Mel Robbins
There's more to life than happiness
The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship, Perel
Your "Inner Universe,"Seth
How to Prevent School Shootings, Peterson
Rethinking Infidelity, Perel
Psychedelics to treat mental health
Relationship Skills and Workplace Dynamics at SXSW 2019, Perel
Tara Brach's videos/podcasts are great.
Livewire book
Dr. Walker & Dr. Huberman on sleep (2 hour podcast)
Why We Sleep, Walker (book)
How to Apologize (podcast with H. Lerner & B. Brown)
Are you a woman and questioning leaving a relationship? Check this Unlocking Us
How to have hard conversations, Tim Ferris podcast
How Does Psychotherapy Work, Weiss
Imaginary Crimes, Engle (Guilt)
Radical Acceptance, Brach
The Power of Habit, Duhigg
Non-violent Communication, Rosenberg
Braving the Wilderness, Brown
Rising Strong, Brown
The Female Brain, Brizendine
The Power of Now, Tolle
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Gilbert
Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing, Merryman & Bronson
The Dance of Anger, Lerner
Man's Search For Meaning, Frankl
I Don't Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression, Real
Give Yourself Permission to Feel-podcast
The Upside of Vulnerability, Dermendzhiyska (Audio Article)
Over & Under Functioning with Anxiety- podcast
Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
hsperson.com (self-test here & tons of resources from Dr. Elaine Aron
(Book) Highly Sensitive People
(Podcast) Great intro talk @ Google on HSP's
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Van der Kolk
Any of Peter Levine's work.
Tribe, Junger (PTSD & Belonging)
A Child Called It, Pelzer (Short Memoir on Child Abuse)
Anything by Dr. Siegal but I find his books hard to read. But excellent. https://www.drdansiegel.com/
Ending relationships
Conscious Uncoupling (Book)
How to fix a Broken Heart (TED)
Can Not Let Breakups Break Us (TEDx) * great speaker (HA, it's me)
Grieving timeless love, Tara Brach, Phd.
Readings by David Kessler & Elisabeth Kübler-Ross are the cornerstone to grief. Don't forget the 6th stage too. Meaning.
What really matters at the end of Life (5 min read)
Addictions/Substance Use
Dr. Gabor Maté Interview | The Tim Ferriss Show
The New Rules of Marriage, Real
The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity, Perel
Coming Apart, Kingma
Attached, Levine & Heller
Mating in Captivity, Perel
The Relationship Cure, Gottman
Recovering from Fights, Gottman
Raising An Adult, Lythcott-Haims
Nurture Shock: New Thinking About Children, Merryman & Bronson
Teens Under Pressure (amazing podcast)
Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood, (*So good!)
Better Behavior, Kempler (ADHD)
(Any book by McCarthy)
Rekindling Desire, McCarthy & McCarthy
Sex Made Simple, McCarthy
How to Be a Great Lover, Paget
What Women Want, Bergner
She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman
He Comes Next: The Thinking Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man
Ethical Porn for Dicks, Dr. Ley (book)
sexandpsychology.com (blog/podcast)
Adult ADHD
How to ADHD (videos)
Is it me, you or Adult A.D.D. (Book for Adults in a relationship with a person who had ADHD).
Video for Adults in relationship with or are themselves ADHD
Growing Up Trans, Frontline
What Doctors Should Know About Gender Identity, Overstreet
What doctors should know about trans, TEDx
Laura Vanderkam
How can I gain control of my time? (TEDx)
Unveiling Weddings, Sacerdoti & Jackson Fitzgerald (Super Authors! Ha!)
Fish in the Tree, Hunt (Fiction for Children 8+)
Speechify - App
Group Dynamics
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, Yalom
Young Psychotherapists
The Gift of Therapy, Yalom
Letters to a Young Therapist, Pipher
On Being A Therapist, Kottler